A little ‘excitement’

I was working from home yesterday when I heard the sound of fighter jets overhead.  It was a bit nerve-wracking.

It’s not the first time there were fighter jets over this neighborhood.  I’m just a few miles from Jones Beach, where the annual Memorial Day air show always features either the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds, it’s common for a jet to fly over my head during the dress rehearsal or the show. And then, of course, there was the Covid-19 flyover, in April 2020, where both the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds honored the medical community with a flyover from one end of Long Island to the other.

But there was no planned air show yesterday. No flyby.

So when I heard jets overhead yesterday — and I know the difference between fighter jets and commercial airliners — I was concerned.  Turned on the tv, flipped through various news channels …

The UN General Assembly is meeting this week.  World leaders have gathered in NYC for the occasion, as they do every year.  President Biden addressed the Assembly yesterday.  That means there are “no fly zones” all around the region, and the US military is on heightened alert.

And some idiot in a Cessna, flying out of MacArthur Airport here on Long Island, violated restricted airspace just as Biden was taking the podium. And the Cessna pilot got the scare of his life when he was intercepted by an F-15 fighter jet and escorted out of the restricted zone.

Yeah, life around here is many things, but “dull” isn’t one of them.


  1. I'll take dull. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. Oh, they fly over here sometimes from Klamath Falls, a bit away from here (Rogue Valley) but not as the crow (or fighter) flies. They are scary when they are low! Loud and scary. They are in twos. Then there is a local woman who owns an old one ex fighter here. When only one flies it's her. She doesn't fly low though.

  3. You'd think people would pay more attention to no fly zones, but no...


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