Another this and that

 This loyal Mets fan wants to salute the NY Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays.  During Thursday night’s game, the teams used their social media to discuss the horrifying effects of gun violence instead of the usual commentary about the game.

Last night Drew and I went to a Ducks game, the first time this season.  The national anthem was sung by a middle school chorus, and there were several school groups, little league teams, etc. on the field.   Part of me cried for those children, growing up in a country that values its guns more than their lives …

You’re supposed to go to a baseball game to escape from reality.  The healing power of sports and all that. But sometimes you just can’t.

Though we did have an enjoyable evening, even though the Honey Hunters won the game.  

Total non sequiter.  The Beth page Air Show is at Jones Beach this weekend.  It’s an annual tradition, paused for COVID but finally back again.  It’s an amazing display of aircraft featuring the Blue Angels (the Navy’s flight demonstration squad), some old WW II planes, and everything in between.  I saw the rehearsal once, and it’s an incredible show. 

Well, this morning Drew was in the back yard, washing down his patio furniture when he heard the sound of jets overhead.  He saw two of the Blue Angels!  Well, he lives about 20 minutes from the beach, it’s no surprise that his house would be under the flight path during the show.

We were in Philadelphia a few days ago, and had to stay overnight.  The weirdest thing happened.  Drew made a reservation at our favorite hotel.  Check in time is 4 PM.  When we arrived at the hotel at 4, we found out that they’d already given away our room!  It seems that there is another man with the same first and last names as Drew (it’s a fairly common name) checked in around noon.  The desk clerk, seeing the name in the reservation system, assumed that the man checking in was the man who made the reservation.  It all got straightened out, fortunately. The manager found us a comparable room and comp’d our breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant.

Tomorrow Drew is hosting the annual Memorial Day barbecue.  The usual gang is coming over for hot dogs, hamburgers and a chance to hang out.  I am looking forward to it.


  1. I been watching second season of hand maiden.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. They do an air show around here in October. My father's house is under the flight path, so we get to see them coming around. It's much better than braving the crowds, but we don't get to see the nifty tricks.

    Have a great Memorial Day.

  3. I haven't been to an airshow in years. We were able to see the Thunderbirds last July rehearsing (from afar) for an airshow held up here. Alana


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