Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Last thing you said yes to? Did you regret it?

Drew asked if I wanted take out from the Mexican place last night, the place that offers the $3 margaritas to go...the very potent margaritas...I said regrets...

2. No big deal, no contest, no dice, no hard feelings, no ifs ands or buts, no kidding, no offense, no pain no gain, no way...choose one and tell us how it applies to your life currently.

Someone told me "this summer is going to be so different than last summer."  No kidding.  

3. Thursday June 11th is National Making Life Beautiful this strange season how are you adding beauty to your days/life?

I planted flowers in a corner of the yard.  Sadly, they aren't growing.  I may just have to buy some plants....

4. According to an article found here, these six foods taste better in June than at any other time of the year-strawberries, asparagus, peas, peaches, beets, and garlic. How many of these have you tasted so far this month? Anything on the list you'd say 'no thank you' to trying? Rearrange the list starting with your favorite (1) to your least favorite (6).

Strawberries....yum. Haven't had any of the others yet.  I like them all.

5. Describe your current mood in three words.

Cynical, sarcastic, eye-rolling.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Drew had Covid 19 back in March, he was very sick for three weeks.  I apparently had the virus, too, because I test positive for the antibodies -- I remember one day when all I wanted to do was sleep, and a few days when my food didn't taste right, but I didn't have any other symptoms.  I no longer fear contracting the virus or giving it to anyone else.  

Long Island is moving into Phase 2 of reopening today and I find that I am very impatient for things to return to "normal".  


  1. Takeaway margaritas - that is fantastic! Thank goodness you have both recovered and are looking forward to things reopening. I am kind of hoping we have a new kind of normal though as I did not miss the rush of life before. Maybe we can slow just a smidge! Have a lovely week.

  2. Hooray for Phase 2! It finally seems like things are moving along. I can see why you would be relieved to know you had Covid, especially since you weren't terribly sick. This past winter there was a cold going around with a lingering cough. Makes me wonder if that was Covid.
    Have a great week, maybe with some outdoor dining :)

  3. I'm so glad for you that you and your husband are both well. Strawberries are at the top of my list, too.

  4. I'm glad you and Drew survived COVID. Sorry you had to go thru it but like you said, now you no longer fear it. Blessings come in strange forms sometimes.

  5. My hubs had a regular dr appointment this week and got the antibody test. Waiting to hear, but if he tests positive I'm sure I have them too. I was so sick while we were in S. Korea and the timing is right. I'll be interested to see how his test turns out. SC is open, although our church is still in stay home mode. Take care.

  6. Glad to hear you're on the other side of Covid. Have they determined that once you have it you can't get it again? I hadn't heard if that was confirmed yet.

    Good luck with reopening. Alas, I don't think our new normal is going to be like our old normal.

  7. The fact that you've both had the virus and survived means it's safer for you to go out and about. That's kinda nice.

  8. Louisiana went into phase 2 last Friday. I went into a couple places of business without a mask and did not feel threatened at all. I don't normally engage strangers in conversation anyway, and everyone was honoring the designated distance markers. I'm more than ready to leave them at home, but we will be required to wear them to church this next Sunday and for the unforeseen future.

  9. Well, I'm glad Drew recovered from his bout with Covid. It's kind of awesome that you know you had it and it didn't bother you much. I'd like to know for sure if I have. We had a lot of sick people at the nursing home back in January and February that had symptoms that could have been, but probably I haven't since Tim just got tested in order to have a medical procedure done and he was negative.

  10. My roses are starting to bloom, need to get photo before deer find them


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