anger has turned to despair

So two weeks ago my friend Kathy told me about a yoga/tai chi studio she had joined.  They've been offering live classes via Zoom since the pandemic started.  

I used to take yoga, before I had trouble with my knees, and thought I'd like to try it again. Or maybe do tai chi.  Or both.  

So I contacted the studio last week, and on Wednesday I took a tai chi class.  It was a lot of fun!  I signed up for a trial membership.  

So all day yesterday I was looking forward to the tai chi class.  At the appointed time I signed into my zoom account....and spent the next 15 minutes trying to fix the technical issues of Zoom and my Wi Fi, before I gave up in frustration, sat down and cried.  

And I'm still upset this morning.

And I realize it's not just the tai chi class.

We're three months into this pandemic, three months f having our entire world disrupted.  I am so weary.

And it's the utter stupidity of some of my fellow citizens. The ones who think shutting down the country was a communist plot.  The ones who think wearing a mask is a political issue.  The ones who are shouting "make America great again" as they turn this country into a third world nation. The rest of the world seems to have gotten a grip on this virus.  Why can't we?

I am so weary.


  1. It's hard, so hard. I found a blog I like a week or so ago; a few days ago he posted a parody song called Farewell Far-Right by Founders and Friends. I'm sure you've heard the song, you being a Billy Joel fan, but, if not, maybe it will help cheer you up a little. As the lyrics say "There's hope in sight..." I hope they are right. Alana

  2. I feel your pain. Sometimes you just need to break down and cry. It helps, at least with our emotions.

    You can't fix stupid. At least, willful stupidity. There are plenty of people who are doing their part. I went to Trader Joe's today, and not a one was missing a mask. (It might help that our governor made masks mandatory.)


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