Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's something you could do today to feel more peaceful?

A few years ago I took a few yoga and meditation classes.  I had to stop yoga because of problems with my knees, and I also let the meditation practice slide.  I think I need to start meditating again.

2. June 2nd is National Rotisserie Chicken day. Who knew? Are you a fan of rotisserie chicken? You've purchased one at your local market for tonite's dinner. Will you serve as is or make something else using the chicken?

I might reheat it but otherwise serve it as is.

3. I read a list recently (go here to read more) of 20 of the most beautiful places in America. How many of these have you seen up close and in person? Of the sites on this list that you haven't seen, which would you most like to see?

Antelope Canyon Arizona, Kenai Fjords Alaska, White Mountains New Hampshire, Crater Lake Oregon, The Palouse Washington and Idaho, Grand Prismatic Spring Wyoming, Multnomah Falls and Columbia River Gorge Oregon, Horsehoe Bend Arizona, Na Pali Coast Kauai Hawaii, Antelope Valley California, Lake Tahoe California, The Berkshires Massachussets, Maroon Bells Colorado, Angel Oak South Carolina, Acadia National Park Maine, Grand Teton National Park Wyoming, Turnip Rock Michigan, Central Park New York City, Niagara Falls New York, and Skagit Valley Tulip Fields Washington

I'm a Long Islander, grew up in the shadow of NYC.  You know I've been here:

I once took a vacation here:

4. What's one pretty spot you'd add to the list in question #3? Are there travel plans of any kind on your calendar right now? Does that make you happy, anxious, excited, sad, or relieved?

Let's add the Fire Island National Seashore.

We didn't make travel plans before the virus hit, and now it looks like we're going to hold off making any plans until things are more normal.

5. Tell us one un-COVID related thing you're looking forward to in the month of June.

Better weather. I always do well when the sun shines.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

He turned Lafayette Park into Tiananmen Square for a photo op in front of a church where he was not welcome holding a book he's never read.  My heart breaks.


  1. I have been letting my yoga slide while all the kids have been home. I will have to get back to it. Hope you get a sunny week!

  2. Yes, Fire Island for sure! So many beautiful spots on LI :) There really is no place like it. Have a great week!

  3. I love that lighthouse photo...Beautiful!

  4. Antelope Valley??? I suppose I should drive out there and see. But, it's kinda out there... Crater Lake I've seen.

    Perhaps we should start an online meditation circle. It's easier to do if more do it, but coordinating across time zones might prove difficult.

  5. "When things get more normal" I hope they do. Our governor says that there is no further phase beyond green, which doesn't return us to pre-virus living. He says the green phase is our new normal. :(

  6. My husband I were hoping to go to NYC and the falls, but it did not work out. I added pictures too to my post.


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