
A law was made a distant moon ago here
July and August cannot be too hot
And there's a legal limit to the snow here in Camelot....

No, not Camelot.. .  on Sunday night we saw Spamalot.

Yes, Spamalot, Eric Idle's musical reworking of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  Cheeky, irreverent, politically incorrect humor meets musical theater. 

My evening did not start off well.  I left my cell phone in the restaurant where we ate dinner before the show (had to retrieve it the next day).  The janitor came in to clean the ladies room while I was in there:awkward.   I spilled white wine all over myself when I tripped over some electrical cords on the way to my seat. And some idiot could not wait for me to stand up, but literally climbed over me on the way to his seat.

But I took some advice from Mr. Idle.

(I think the  video is from the original Broadway production.)  That song was originally from Life of Brian.   Idle has gotten a lot of mileage out of that song, hasn't he?

But my favorite song from the show is "You Wont' Succeed on Broadway".

Here's a clip from the original production, with David Hyde Pierce as Sir Robin.

Did you catch that the women dancers are wearing Jewish stars around their necks?  Or that the candelabra on the piano is a Hanukkah menorah?   The yarmulke that Sir Robin uses in place of a hat? My favorite part is when Sir Robin does the Tevye shimmy just before the cast uses grail cups to  re-create the bottle dance from Fiddler on the Roof.  

Later in the show, King Arthur breaks the fourth wall and asks the audience,  "Are there any Jews here?"   Seriously, on Long Island?    I suppose that line gets a different response in some other parts of the country.



  1. I want to see this show. Sorry you had so many mishaps on the way to it.


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