My Stupid Knee -- again

Or maybe I should change it to "My Stupid Knees".

I went to the orthopedist Monday -- I am so fortunate that this docotr has offices in NYC as well as on Long Island -- and the results are exactly what I expected. My right knee needs treatment, again.  He prescribed a shot of cortisone for immediate relief, and requested authorization to repeat the gel shots.  By Wednesday the insurance company approved the treatment, and now I'm waiting for the medication to be shipped so that I can set up appointments  for the treatment.

Now, about my left . knee...

I told the doctor that I occasionally have pain in the left knee, but Advil or Aleve helps. 

The doctor told me htat the x-rays show some damage to the left knee, but nothing that needs treatment.

Well, OK, then ....

On Tuesday the right knee felt fine.  The left knee, however....

I was on the subway.  I stood up, started to walk ...

You know that sometimes  when you get hurt, you "see stars".

I saw stars, moons and planets. 

I am so not happy about this.


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