
 The birds are back!

Actually, some never left.  But the ones that migrate are returning.

This morning I spotted a few feathered friends,



  1. I know when the red winged blackbirds arrive around Feb 26 that spring is truly on its way. So exciting. Do you have the app Merlin on your phone? It's free (a Cornell product) and it will ID birds either by their sounds/songs or from a good photo.

  2. Oh, the nice birds came back. Sadly, for us, the Canadian geese have returned...

    1. Canada geese …we get some during their migrations, but we also have some that live here permanently and don’t migrate.

  3. I like those photos a lot! Just for the reasons Yogi gave, silhouettes of birds and trees!

  4. Seeing (and hearing) robins and redwinged blackbirds in the spring make me so happy!


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