Saturday walk

 Saturday the weather was warm and springlike.  Well, meteorologists say spring starts March 1 … though astronomers say we have to wait 3 weeks for the equinox. I was in adventure mode and decided to ealk on streets I don’t usually visit.

House decorated for lunar New Year.

His hobby?

Interesting porch

And another 


Yes, the porch extends to the gate.

Easter is on the way.

The windows say “Christmas” but are those shamrocks on the door?

Yes, I have a weird fascination with the water towers …

Lots of planes overhead.

This last one was flying right over my house … I was about half a block away …

Can’t wait to get out tomorrow…even though the forecast says it will be colder …


  1. Those are all, or at least mostly Delta planes. Ar you close to LaGuardia?

    1. I’m southeast of La Guardia and northeast of JFK. Google maps tells me I’m a 24 mile drive from Ka Guardia and a 23 mile drive from JFK. I’m also not to far from Islip MacArthur, it’s east of here. From what you say I think I’m under a La Guardia flight path.


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