More ramblings
Winter is back. It was so cold last night I thought I would freeze to death. Hard to believe spring officially arrives in just two days.
Spring, and the promise of warmer days. I am really looking forward to it.
I finally finished all of MrBallen’s true crime podcasts, and now I’m moving on to his second podcast …the one that deals with medical mysteries. I’m hooked.
I found some interesting gluten free Passover recipes. There’s a cake made with almond flour and lemon… meringue cookies…flourless chocolate cake … you know I’m making gefilte fish, potato kugel, gluten free matzoh balls …
Yes, I am excited about planning the menu …
Drew has rehearsal for Pinafore tonight. He’ll fill up his Yeti with tea, grab his libretto, drive over to the school, and sing his heart out for about three hours. He’s loving it. Performances are at the end of June.
We’re also starting to plan a possible trip to Florida. We’ve got friends who live on the Gulf Cosst, just north of Tampa.
So yeah, I think we’ve got a few things going on …
Yes, you sound very busy. But in a good way.