Cat ramblings

He acts like he owns the place, doesn’t he?  I know he’s not a stray, he lives across the street. But he visits almost every night, almost as if he wants to live here.

And why not?  Our cats have a very comfortable life.

Duchess and Shadow are indoor cats.  We don’t feel comfortable allowing them to wander around the neighborhood.  Too many things could go wrong.

Duchess once accidentally wandered out to Drew’s patio.  When she realized she was outside she panicked.  I called her name, and it was the first time she ever came when called.

Shadow once followed Drew out the front door … she had to be coaxed out from under Drew’s car; we keep her away from the door now.

Jen was here the other day.  She told me that an orange cat came to visit my sisters’ house.   Beautiful orange cat with a very long tail. Clearly a neighbor’s cat, not a stray.

The cat showed up the same day my sister brought home Redford’s cremated remains.  Redford, as you’ll recall, was an orange cat,  so of course they all cried.

It’s sad …but Redford had a long and happy life.  Or, at least, he had a happy life after he adopted my family.  Yes, Redford rescued himself.   So did our other family cat, Mr. Kitty.  We joked that there was a sign in our back yard, advertising food and accommodations for stray cats. 

My house may be on a “cat highway”, but the travelers all seem to go home eventually. 

Still, if a stray ever turned up … you know he or she would be fed …


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