
 Update on the dog bite story.  It’s a two-family house. The homeowner had converted the second floor of her house into an accessory apartment, accessible only from the back yard.  The little girl and her mother live in the apartment.  They walked through the gate into the back yard, which startled the homeowner’s two dogs, and one of the dogs attacked the little girl. I saw some video of one of the dogs as they were removed by animal control, it looked like a pit bull…

The injuries to the little girl sound horrific, life-altering.  The official report says “severe facial injuries”, but a neighbor who witnessed the aftermath was far more descriptive…I can’t imagine …

But at least we don’t have to worry about being attacked by the dogs. 

In other news … we’ve had a few days of unseasonably cool weather.  The meteorologist on TV called it “November weather.”  I’m actually enjoying it.

It’s going to warm up a bit by the weekend, but it’s still going to be chilly, especially at night.  I like the fall weather.  It’s winter I can do without.

We’re going out Saturday night, and yes, I will be wearing my new boots.

We’re headed to a comedy club, our friend is competing in the second round of an amateur stand up competition. You’ll remember that he won round one two weeks ago.  

I’m pleasantly surprised that the Mets are playing October baseball.  Back in May I would not have believed it possible, they started the season with an abysmal record.  If they beat the Dodgers they’ll be headed to the World Series.  Though if they continue to play the way they played last night …ugh …

And with the Yankees playing Cleveland for the American League championship…people are already starting to talk about a Subway Series. That hasn’t happened …well, since the year 2000.  

Yeah, 24 years ago … Mets vs. Yankees…and NYC was the baseball capital of the world.  So exciting.   Maybe it’ll happen again?

Amazon has delivered my Halloween decorations.  Can’t wait to put everything up.  I don’t think I can find a place for last year’s crashing witch, though, since we don’t have a tree.  Maybe the back yard gate?  I’ll have to think about it. 

If you want to see someone do a completely  over -the-top Halloween display, check out Glenn.  He does an incredible cemetery on his front lawn..  I won’t be doing anything like that at all, I do something small and simple.

But here on the blog … stay tuned for the annual Halloween party ….


  1. It's been cool here, too. Next week it warns back into the 70's but right now it's 59.

    When it's Mets vs. Yankees, the rest of the country focuses on football, basketball, and hockey.

  2. I wonder about a dog being surprised by people who live there. One shouldn't have to worry about entering one's own home. I just passed a house that had a guy playing guitar (well, more like a skeleton), and it looked like someone in a costume. But, it was like 2 PM, so it had to be some sort of robot or something? Great decor for Halloween.


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