Weird connections and a crazy ex girlfriend

I have a sad story, a tragic story about a murder.  

I first heard about the murder from my friend JoAnne.  

JoAnne’s daughter went to high school with my daughter Jen, and the two are still best friends.   What I did not know until recently is that JoAnne’s husband Bob went to high school with Drew.  JoAnne went to the same school as Bob and Drew, but she’s a few years younger than they are, so Drew didn’t know JoAnne when they were students.

Anyhow, just after Christmas JoAnne posted about a murder that took place in the town where she and Bob and Drew grew up.

An 85 year old woman had been killed by her son’s crazy ex girlfriend.  The guy is in his 40’s, divorced, and was living with his mother.  He had a fight with the ex girlfriend, and when he came home … The ex girlfriend stabbed and killed the older woman, and stabbed the guy multiple times, putting him in the hospital.  JoAnne posted a link to the family’s GoFundMe. 

It was sad, it was tragic.  

I’m not from that town, and I really don’t know anyone who lives there, so I read the story and promptly forgot about it.

Until the other day, when Drew told me “you’ll never believe what happened to my former coworker”.

Former coworker was a school administrator, and when he didn’t get tenure in June, he moved on to other endeavors. Drew started to tell me that coworker’s mother had been murdered by his crazy ex girlfriend.

And I realized he was talking about the same murder that JoAnne posted about.

Drew had no idea he and his coworker were from the same town.

Small world.

Drew was glad to get the link to the GoFundMe, and he shared it with his friends at work.


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