Sunday stealing
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Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!
![Sleeping Beauty [Blu-ray]](
I loved everything about it. That it was set in a medieval kingdom. the villain turned herself into a dragon. That Aurora had three fairy godmothers, Cinderella had only one. That Aurora and Phillip fell in love without knowing that they were in an arranged marriage. And the dress!
2. What is home to you?

3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows, whatever medium you like your stories in.)
Oh yes, definitely.
4. What is the most physical damage you've ever received without needing medical intervention (so no stitches or splints or anything)?
Well, let me tell you about what happened the other day. I spilled something on the kitchen floor. Instead of grabbing a mop, I sprayed the area with cleaner and bent over to wipe up the spill with a paper towel. The cleaning spray made the tiles right foot went one way, my left went the other, and I found myself sitting on the floor, legs spread in a "V". It wasn't until I tried to stand up that I realized I'd wrenched the muscles in my right knee. Yeah, the bad knee. I limped for three days, but I'm OK now.
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I don't know. Why don't we ask him?

6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.
I've always loved fantasy and science fiction. Right now that leads me to obsess over a fantasy creature:
7. What question or question would you like God to answer?
Just the basics. What is the meaning of life? Why is evil allowed to prosper? Are we alone in the Universe?
8. Do you bite your nails?
Not anymore. I was an adult, probably in my 30's, when I stopped.
9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home, etc
My housing situation is in a state of flux right now, so I"m going to skip this question.
10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?
My housing situation is in a state of flux right now, so I"m going to skip this question.
11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there?
Narragansett, RI My daughter went to URI and rented a house in Narragansett, near the beach. I think I would love to do that.
12. What's your favorite cookie to snack on?
Rainbow cookies from the Italian bakery.
13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?
A little of both, actually. I've owned iPods and iPads, but my phone has always been an Android and I always had a Windows-based laptop. Current laptop is an HP, current phone is a Google Pixel, I have an 11" iPad and a very old iTouch.
14. What's your favorite things about the Zoo?
Drew and I are actually members of the Bronx Zoo, which will reopen this week. We love the zoo. I think my favorite part of the zoo is the monorail ride through "Wild Asia". You can see the tigers from that ride.
15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it (or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)
I'm a child of the suburbs. Still live in the suburbs. So I guess it's OK.
16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?
Swimming was always a favorite. Reading. Rock music. Broadway musicals. Old movies. Fantasy and science fiction. History.
17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?
Old fashioned letters are best.
18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.
No, I didn't know any of my great-grandparents. All four of my grandparents were immigrants to this country, and all came as adults. My maternal grandmother's father came to this country, but he died long before I was born.
19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favorite thing to do there?
I love to take long walks at the beach.
20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured?
Well, there was that time I gave new meaning to the words "business trip". I was staying in Philadelphia and took a bad fall in the hotel lobby. Didn't break anything, but I twisted my ankle and foot so badly that I wound up in a soft cast for two weeks.
2. What is home to you?
3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows, whatever medium you like your stories in.)
4. What is the most physical
1. What's your favorite movie from your childhood and why?
2. What is home to you?
3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows, whatever medium you like your stories in.)
4. What is the most physical damage you've ever received without needing medical intervention (so no stitches or splints or anything)?
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.
7. What question or question would you like God to answer?
8. Do you bite your nails?
9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home, etc
10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?
11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there?
12. What's your favorite cookie to snack on?
13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?
14. What's your favorite things about the Zoo?
15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it (or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)
16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?
17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?
18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.
19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favorite thing to do there?
20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured?
What's your favorite movie from your childhood and why?
2. What is home to you?
3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows, whatever medium you like your stories in.)
4. What is the most physical damage you've ever received without needing medical intervention (so no stitches or splints or anything)?
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.
7. What question or question would you like God to answer?
8. Do you bite your nails?
9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home, etc
10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?
11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there?
12. What's your favorite cookie to snack on?
13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?
14. What's your favorite things about the Zoo?
15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it (or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)
16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?
17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?
18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.
19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favorite thing to do there?
20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured? you've ever received without needing medical intervention (so no stitches or splints or anything)?
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.
7. What question or question would you like God to answer?
8. Do you bite your nails?
9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home, etc
10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?
11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there?
12. What's your favorite cookie to snack on?
13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?
14. What's your favorite things about the Zoo?
15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it (or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)
16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?
17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?
18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.
19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favorite thing to do there?
20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured?
old movies, old fashioned long letters, immigrant grandparents, New England, slipping on floors, bad knee, love zoos, cinderella... yes to all. We have much in common
ReplyDeleteLeeAnna at not afraid of color
Sounds like you need a brace on that knee at all times! Stay safe.
ReplyDeleteOuch. Falling is not fun, especially when knees are involved.
ReplyDeleteA actually did know my great-grandmother. She taught me to knit.
Oh, ouch! I'm feeling that knee. I've fallen on, twisted, and who knows what else my knee many times over. Now it's got arthritis in it and between it and my hip I'm now stuck doing physical therapy to try and strengthen the whole mess and get around with a lot less pain. I'm glad yours seems to be doing okay.
ReplyDeleteFrom the West I liked Brave and from the East I like Mulan. I guess I like "rebels" but in a good way
ReplyDelete#6 - You and me both. Sci Fi is amazing.
Yikes @ #4. I hope you're doing okay now. Falling is the worst.
ReplyDeleteIn Spring 2019, I attended the TCM Classic Film Festival and two of the original Sleeping Beauty animators were there for the screening. She worked on the candles for the fairies made for Aurora's birthday. It was delightful to listen to her memories, and she was so proud that we still cared. I imagined her smiling when I saw you mention it on #1.