Saturday 9 on the strip

77 Sunset Strip

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme. 

Saturday 9: 77 Sunset Strip (1958)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) 77 Sunset Strip was one of TV's early hits, running for six seasons. Before this morning, were you familiar with this show?

I knew it existed, but I've never seen it.

2) The show's jazzy theme is punctuated by finger snaps. When you snap your fingers, is the left-handed snap as loud as your right-handed snap?

I can't snap my fingers at all, so...

3) The show revolved around Bailey and Spencer Investigations. Stu Bailey and Jeff Spencer were among TV first "private eyes." Who is your all-time favorite TV PI?

I spent my teen years watching Baretta, Starsky & Hutch, Columbo, Magnum, PI, Kojak...

And I really loved Murder, She Wrote

4) Their office had "a fancy label," meaning an attractive address, on Los Angeles' Sunset Blvd. Tell us about the prestige area of your neighborhood.

Rapper 50 Cent was at my daughter's high school graduation because his stepdaughter was on of the graduates.   At the time, his ex and the kids lived about a mile away from my house.  Yeah, it's that kind of neighborhood.

5) Next door was Dino's Lodge, the real-life restaurant and bar owned by entertainer Dean Martin. Are you a Dean Martin fan?

6) The valet at Dino's was Kookie. He was known for his perfect hair, his slang ("ginchy" meant cool, "germsville" was the hospital, "a dark seven" was a bad week) and his desire to someday be a private investigator, like Stu and Jeff. Do you think you'd be a good detective?
Yes, I think so.  When the FBI posted that recruitment notice at my law school, I actually thought about signing up...until I decided I didn't want to be shot at...

7) Stu and Jeff had a loyal secretary named Suzanne, played by French actress Jacqueline Beer. She was married to adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, who famously traveled from Peru to French Polynesia by raft. Does 100 days on a raft, sailing the south seas, sound fascinating to you?

Part of me would love to do this, I love sailing and the idea of having an adventure.  Part of me would not appreciate the difficulty of the journey.

8) Clint Eastwood was fan of the show and, in the 1990s, tried unsuccessfully to bring 77 Sunset Strip back. Is there a show from the past you'd like to see "rebooted?"

Some reboots -- like Star Trek -- work well,  but most do not.  So let's just enjoy the reruns.

9) Random question: Thinking about the last week, did you nag anyone? Or were you the one who was nagged?

I was the one who was nagged, and I was ready to kill the one nagging me.


  1. Did i nag anyone - yes, the husband, the daughter and the dogs too I was told. And they said it gets worse during the week ends!!

  2. I'm with you! Let's just enjoy the reruns. Though I admit I'm intrigued by a prequel to Murder, She Wrote ... a young Jessica in Cabot Cove, meeting her husband, beginning her career, solving murders.

  3. I loved Murder She Wrote too. Such a good show. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  4. 50 Cent had a mansion the next town over and boxer Mike Tyson owned it before 50 Cent (Curtis James Jackson III) bought it.

    1. Yeah, he lived in CT and the ex lived on Long Island ...until the house mysteriously burned down ...

  5. Yes, I agree. Let's stick with reruns.

  6. Interesting neighborhood. Now that you mention it, getting shot at would take me out of the running, too. Not something I aspire to!

  7. That's a show I'd never heard of. Definitely before my time.

  8. I heard of it but don't recall watching it.


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