Feline Friday



Isn’t he a pretty kitty? Don't you just want to take him home?

As for my domestic felines …

Yes, we took them to the vet on Saturday for their annual checkup.

Duchess was in good voice, caterwauling from the moment Drew put her in the carrier until the moment the vet tech opened the carrier.  

Shadow surprised me, though.  She has never caterwauled before…but when she heard Duchess, she answered.   She yowled for a few minutes but eventually settled down.

At the vet’s … I’ve always joked that Duchess would rather brave the big dogs in the waiting room than stay in her carrier…but Shadow?  A very large dog came over to us, put his nose up against the carrier …and Shadow jumped  back so hard the carrier moved.  

And Shadow hissed when the vet tech took her out of the carrier.  She hisses at me sometimes but I’ve never seen her hiss at another person.  

But she was OK when the doctor examined her.

And Duchess?  She was very cooperative the first time the vet tech took her out of the carrier.  Very cooperative when the doctor examined her.  But the vet tech tried to take her out of the carrier a second time …and she clung to the inside of that carrier as if her life depended on it.

So we had two traumatized kitties … who came home and ate cat treats and curled up to nap.


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