Another this and that

 OK, so who shredded my reusable grocery bag from Target?  I’m looking at you, Moon Shadow … and yes, I did lock up the cat treats, there will be no more helping yourself … I definitely got more than I bargained for when I asked for a cat with personality.

Someone needs to remind me to stay out of the supermarket on December 24.  But we were out of so many things, and we must not run out of Fancy Feast.  I went shopping at 9:30 in the morning, and the place was already starting to resemble a zoo.

Tradition has been honored, we went out for Chinese food last night.  Christmas is over, it’s time to look towards New Year’s Eve.  A group of us are going to a Greek place — buffet dinner, live entertainment, champagne toast at midnight.  Should be fun.  

Meanwhile, this week should be fairly quiet at work.  I’ll be able to catch up on things.  Things will heat up in January.


  1. Oh yes, avoid stores on the 24th. Unless you work there. I couldn't avoid the toy store when I worked there. (I have stories.) Glad you got through it relatively unscathed.

  2. My son dog, Boo. Would go over and bark at neighbor door. For her treats.
    Coffee is on.


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