Feline Friday — more cat tails

 So we went downstairs to Jenn’s apartment, and Jenn clipped Shadow’s nails.  I have never heard Shadow caterwaul like that.  You would have thought Jenn was trying to murder the cat!  She’s becoming a bit of a drama queen. (Shadow, that is …)

Afterwards she played with Jenn’s cats.  It was adorable.  

Shadow has suddenly become wary of strangers.  I don’t get a lot of visitors;  when someone comes to my house, Shadow will retreat to the bedroom.  Eventually, though, her curiosity wins out.  She’ll come into the living room and stare at the visitor.  Consider yourself honored if she allows you to pet her. (I think she’s been hanging out with Drew’s cat Duchess…)

Then there's this:

 But on Tuesday, she really scared me.  My apartment is on the second floor.  I have to walk up a flight of stairs to get to my door.  Usually Shadow hears me walking up the steps and greets me at the door, but on Tuesday … I opened the door, but no Shadow.  I didn’t see her on the couch, or on the bed, or on the window ledge, or in her pet carrier.  I couldn’t imagine where she was …

She was under the bed, fast asleep, and didn’t hear me come in.

But even scarier ... Her newest trick.

That's my bathroom door.  She jumped up from the sink.  Refused my help getting down, just jumped back to the sink when she was ready.


  1. Wait, so you live in the same building as Jenn? Did you tell us this and I forgot?

    1. Jenn is my friend. My daughter is Jen. Jen with one n is my daughter, double n jenn is my friend. Sorry for the confusion.

  2. That can be scary, when they hide or barely balance on something like that. I'm guessing your Shadow just doesn't like getting a mani-pedi.

    Thanks for joining Feline Friday!


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