Feline Friday — Duchess’ chair


That’s Duchess,  in her favorite chair, glaring at me.

She’s glaring at me because … well, war has been declared. Because I did the unthinkable.  I sat in her chair.

There are two recliner chairs, next to each other.  Usually Duchess sits in one of the chairs, Drew sits in the other chair next to Duchess, and I sit on the couch. She likes that chair because Drew is her person, and she wants  needs to sit with her person. And of course she needs her own chair.  

But the other night … when I walked into the living room  I saw that Duchess was stretched out on the couch.  Seriously, you wouldn’t think that a 13 pound cat could take up so much space, but there was no place for me to sit. (Well, I could have moved Drew’s backpack, he left it on one end of the couch …)

Duchess had taken my seat.  So I sat in Duchess’ chair. 

Yes, I had the temerity to sit in her  chair!  It’s ok for her to sit on the couch, but apparently I am not allowed to sit in her chair.   When she sits on the couch, the chair must remain empty.

But I sat on her chair.

If looks could kill…

She got up from the couch, walked over to Drew (who followed me into the room) and meowed.  She continued to meow until I got up from the chair.  She continued to meow when I sat on the couch.  She continued to meow until Drew sat down in his chair.

Then, and only then, did she stop meowing.  She jumped into her chair — her throne.

And glared at me.

Remind me not to do that again.


  1. As a contrary person, I think I would have remained in the chair and glared right back. Yeah, I'd get into a glaring contest with a cat. I never said I was smart.

  2. Your story made me laugh- it reminded me of our Lucy's behavior! She can be quite bossy at times! Cheers!

  3. Cat owners - I mean, people owned by cats - are special people. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  4. Shakespear was wrong, there is something in a name. My friend's cat Duchess ruled the roost, too.

    Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

  5. Cat need service bell.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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