Music Monday

 And today’s theme is “thankful”.

Well, I’ve really got something  to be thankful for.  My daughter Becca got engaged Saturday night.I am thankful that she met her soulmate, a man who loves her, a life partner who treats her well and makes her happy.  I’ve never seen her as happy as she is with Brendon.

So, just one song today.


  1. Ahhh, that's wonderful news! Congrats to Becca and her fella!! I'm thankful for our friendship and I'm thankful that you join me each week to boogie on the 4M dance floor!

  2. Congrats to your daughter. Very nice.

  3. What happy news. Congratulations to the lovebirds. Love the video.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  4. Such wonderful news. Wishing Becca and her love all the best with many years of happiness to come. This theme came at just the right time. Alana

  5. That is just lovely and you chose a lovely tune to go with this event.


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