This and that

 Did I really neglect my blog for an entire week?

First time in a long time I’ve had so little to say.

Yesterday Drew and I saw Death on the Nile.    I figured out the motive and the murderer halfway through the movie.  I thought I was quite clever.  But then I remembered that I read the book, albeit decades ago, so maybe I am not so clever as Monsieur Poirot.

The annual birthday bash has begun … Drew’s birthday was last week, mine is later this week.  Lots of fast food and casual dining restaurants give customers free food for their birthday… yesterday we had free popcorn at the movies, and then we each got a free meal at PDQ.  (PDQ is just like Chik-fil-A, but without the politics.  

The weather has been crazy.  Yesterday was almost springlike, the temperature hit 60 degrees.  This morning there’s a light dusting of snow on the ground.  I am not a fan of the white stuff, as you know.  I’m looking forward to spring.


  1. We weren't quite as warm as your area, but three days this week in the 50'a allowed us to finally clear our driveway from the ice of last weekend. It was so nice to thaw out. You and me both eagerly awaiting spring! Alana

  2. Happy birthday. So many birthdays happening right now. I'd like a PDQ out this way. I don't do Chick-fil-A that often, but I feel guilty every time I do (even when it wasn't my idea).

  3. Never heard of P.D.Q and I skip chick-fil-a
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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