Saturday 9


All I Ever Need Is You

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules.We love memes, however, and here is today's meme.


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.  

1) The lyrics tell us that some men search for silver, some for gold. Are you wearing either silver or gold right now?

I don't wear jewelry when I am just hanging out at home, so no silver or gold right now.

2) This song was a top 20 hit in the United States but sold much better in Canada. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of our neighbor to the North?

Maple, eh. Maples leaves, maple syrup. maple candy...

3) It's performed by one of pop's most successful duos, Sonny and Cher. Can you name another duo that made hit records?

4) In addition to their recording career, Sonny and Cher were TV stars. In a recurring sketch on their variety show, Cher played a "v-a-m-p: VAMP!" These characters were always sexy and seductive. Do you consider yourself a good flirt?

Never really mastered that art.

5) Sonny dropped out of high school in Inglewood, CA. Cher dropped out of high school in Fresno. What's the last year of education you completed?

Juris Doctor.  That means I let myself be tortured by law school professors for three years.

6) Sonny first became Mayor of Palm Springs, and then represented the district in Congress. The city erected a statue in Sonny's memory. Tell us about a statue or monument in your town.

This is in the county park in my neighborhood. The county usually puts monuments and memorials in Eisenhower Park, a park as big as NYC's Central Park and the center of the county.  But this little monument is in Wantagh Park.
7) Cher is often described as outspoken. Ask her for her opinion on anything from politics to plastic surgery, and you will get a frank answer. Does "outspoken"  apply to you, as well?

Definitely. Maybe too outspoken sometimes.

8) In 1971, when this song was popular, Sears sold a portable manual typewriter. Described at the time as, "lightweight for travelers," it weighed 10 lbs. Today the average laptop weighs half that. Do you own a typewriter?

Not since the 1990's...
9) Random question -- Which has gotten you out of more scrapes: your smarts, or your charm?



  1. Oh, that monument is so moving!

    Juris Doctor! Well! Does this mean you've got an Esq. after your name?

  2. You're right flirting is an art which I also haven't mastered.

  3. tortured by law professors, lol. that's the way i think of nursing school professors....

  4. I remember few things from my childhood, but I do remember the Sonny and Cher Show. I was a fan. And I had the Cher doll.

  5. I used to work for lawyers. They are terrible bosses, generally speaking. I thought about becoming one myself but decided writing was my love.

  6. What a beautiful monument. My Uncle died in Vietnam.
    I love the Righteous Brothers too! Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.

  7. AHA! Here is the form... lol
    "Juris Doctor. That means I let myself be tortured by law school professors for three years."
    And I have a friend who describes it this way, too!
    All the music groups and bands mentioned this day have made for a bright trip down memory lane.
    People have to be outspoken now-a-days. We are in a "crux" moment. It really is do or die.

    1. You remember that scene in Paper Chase where John Housman says “Here is a dime, call your mother and tell her you will never be a lawyer.” It’s not an exaggeration


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