Wednesday HodgePodge


1. What's something about Christmas that most people like, but you don't? Elaborate. 

Let's just say that I am happy to enjoy Chinese food and a movie on Christmas Day and leave it at that.  Less stress.

2. Tell us about one cherished tradition from your childhood and if you'll make it happen this year? 

My grandma always made homemade potato latkes.  Mine came from the supermarket this year.

3. In 1941 FDR declared December 15th Bill of Rights Day. Citizens were encouraged to fly the flag and gather for prayers and other ceremonies as appropriate. Did you know this? Will you fly a flag? Can you name all the rights and protections guaranteed in the first ten amendments of the US Constitution? Of the ten, which two do you value most? If you need a list you'll find one here. 

There are five freedoms set forth in the First Amendment, and I cherish them all.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of     religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging     the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the         people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the                    Government for a redress of grievances.

Of course the Sixth Amendment is near and dear to my professional heart...

4. Do you know someone named Bill? Tell us something about him? Is there a famous 'Bill' you'd like to meet? 

I want to meet him:

You're shocked, I am sure...

5. A step in the right direction, on the right track, bragging rights, be in the right place at the right time, get off on the right foot, right as rain, right side up, give your right arm for, have one's heart in the right place...choose a 'right' that applies to your life in some way in recent days and tell us how it's so.

"be in the right place at the right time"

My new apartment ... I was talking to a friend about something else entirely, mentioned I was looking for a place to live.  Turns out her landlord was looking for a tenant ... so now my friend and I are neighbors.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We are about to get walloped with our first major snowstorm of the season.


  1. Your fan of Billy Joel and I'm also a fan.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. What a fun happening to be your friend's neighbor. I wouldn't mind some homemade potato latke! Hope the week goes well for you.


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