Wednesday HodgePodge


1. What do you think it means to have the holiday spirit? 

I've never really thought about that phrase. I guess it means enjoying the people you're with and the traditions you have.

Perhaps I could add -- a generosity of spirit.

2. What's one thing you've baked this month? Have you eaten the finished product? How much baking do you do around the holidays? What baked sweet something does your family insist is on the menu during this season of the year?    

I  haven't done any baking this year, though I did find out just how quickly my new toaster oven can turn a  frozen bagel into a lump of charcoal.

Reality is that I'm more of a "place your order at the bakery" type. 

So we need rainbow cookies and cannoli from the Italian bakery, and rugelach and black and whites from the kosher bakery. Maybe a chocolate mousse cake?

3. Your most recent 'half-baked' idea?

I'll take a pass on this one.

4. Where were you the last time you 'baked' in the sun? The top ten sunniest destinations in the world (most sun from January-December according to this site) are Dubai, Bali Indonesia, Los Angeles CA, Miami FL, Barbados, Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, Mauritius, Antiqua, and the Canary Islands Spain. Have you been to any of the cities listed? Which one on the list appeals to you the most? If the world were not upside down crazy and you could lie on a beach anywhere right now where would you go? 

I've been to Miami several times, would love to go again.  Haven't been to any other  city mentioned.  I would love to see all of them.  

Right now, though, I am imagining myself on the beach in Cancun.  

5. Today I wish I had more _____________________.

Time.  I moved to a new apartment last week and I am having trouble getting everything unpacked and set up.

6. Insert your own random thought here

Hanukkah starts tomorrow night.  I think I am ready...


  1. I love your menorahs! They are beautiful! I must admit that I laughed out loud when I read your comment about "placing your order at the bakery!" Hope you get settled into your new apartment soon.

  2. What a lovely Hanukkah display! We are supposed to go to a wedding in Cancun in April of 2021. I have not booked yet because it all seems overwhelming at the moment on top of Christmas and my own daughter's wedding shortly after. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  3. I just had the most awesome black and white cookie from an organic bakery in the small village of Nichols, New York last week. It's not quite like the New York City black and whites I think I'm ready for Hanukkah. Sort of. Alana

    1. Nothing is quite like a BYC black and white, but I hope you enjoyed your cookie

  4. You have some lovely menorahs! Hope you get the motivation to empty those boxes!

  5. Happy Hanukkah to you! I love the menorahs, especially the blue one.
    I may have giggled out loud about your bagel turning into a lump of charcoal :)

  6. We're number 3! We're number 3! I may not live in L.A., but 30 miles outside of it is close enough to share the same weather. Well, mostly.

    Nothing wrong with supporting the local bakeries, especially during these times. Why should we do all our baking at home?

  7. I like to bake and it just hubby and I. So we trying to stay a way from sugars and fats. But I been thinking of making nuggets and giving them away.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on


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