so they got the guy

And his van is covered in pro-Trump stickers, he's gone to Trump rallies, his social media is full of pro-Trump and anti-Democrat surprise there.

Add Cory Booker, James Clapper  and Kamala Harris to the list of recipients.  There may be more...

The FBI says the devices were not a hoax, they jusy havn't figured out why none of them detonated.

So far he's facing 5 federal charges.  Who knows if there will be more?

And he's going to be tried here in NYC, in the Southern District of New York.


  1. Knowing the hordes of people turning out for early voting (I've heard a story from someone I know who lives in Texas about long lines), I can only hope we will say a resounding "no" to all of this - but I am pessimistic. I'm sure there are enough people who think this bomber was a Democratic plot to distract Republicans from the election. Alana

  2. Sadly, I've seen the stories of the idiots claiming it was all a "Democrat plot". *shakes head* Maybe someday, when the country as a whole has regained its sanity, we'll see how close we came...


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