Feline Friday

One of my favorite t shirts Cats wanted to know why we left the front door open … trick or treaters loved seeing Shadow … Duchess was too shy to show herself, but did investigate the open door … We’ve got a bit of sibling rivalry going on … as you know, Drew and I moved in together in July 2023. Before that, Duchess lived with Drew and Shadow lived with me. So maybe “stepsisters” is a better description. Duchess’s loyalty is with Drew, and Shadow is clearly my cat … The other day I was home alone with the cats. Duchess was missing her person, she sounded so forlorn…I opened a bag of cat treats, and both cats enjoyed. And after they ate, Shadow wrapped herself around my ankles in a way that said “this is MY person, go find your own …” I felt so sad for Duchess. Until Duchess chased Shadow down the stairs and pursued her until Shadow was under the couch.