Music Monday

 And Alana has requested party songs and Led Zeppelin.

Before we get into the theme, I want to share a video taken yesterday in Times Square.  Broadway United in support of Ukraine.


To satisfy Alana’s craving for Zeppelin, here’s “The Immigrant Song”


It’s a birthday party, or so I’m told.

Here’s a song from Paul McCartney and Billy Joel.


It’s a celebration…


I’ve got a feeling …


Pink knows how to party


And let’s end with a classic


  1. Great songs. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Robin,

    This week has been hectic and A2Z has nothing to do with it. *eye rolls* You had me chair boogieing with the Village People. Oh what a fun song! Thanks for joining the party. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  3. I'm late getting around (long story) nice dance songs, and almost gave myself vertigo bopping my head to the Black Eyed Peas. Thank you for the live Led Zeppelin; birthday person enjoyed it! Alana

  4. Great Pawty over here, Songbirdie🐦Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞


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