The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing

 So awhile back I posted about the trials and tribulations of grocery shopping on Long Island.  It’s not my favorite activity.

So I signed up for one of those shopping/delivery services.  You fill out a shopping list, schedule a delivery time, and for a small fee you let someone else do all the heavy lifting.

I won’t tell you which service…names are changed to protect the guilty and all that …

Usually the biggest problem I encounter is that they bring my groceries to the wrong door.  I have a second floor apartment in a two family house, and the door to my apartment is in the back of the house.  My instructions are to come to the back door and leave the groceries.  Sometimes the shopper will deliver my groceries to the front door, and the downstairs tenant (my friend Jenn) will call me to let me know I have a delivery.

But this time …

I placed a small order Monday.  I got the usual text messages — the shopper has started my order, the shopper has checked out, the shopper is on the way to my house, the groceries have been delivered.

There were no groceries at my door.  I walked around to Jenn’s door and saw bags of groceries.

Someone else’s groceries.

I called Jenn and asked her if she was expecting a delivery.  She said “no”.

I opened the app and started a chat with a customer service rep.  He told me my groceries had been delivered to the wrong customer.  He would place my order again, and have the order delivered to me.  He told me that I could keep the misdelivered items, that they could not take those items back. 

Jenn and I divvied up the groceries.  

A short time later I got a phone call from customer service.  A different person than I chatted with.  She spoke with a thick accent and I wasn’t paying attention to what she said, because the other rep had already resolved my problem.  So imagine my surprise when my shopper showed up with my order.  He asked for the other groceries, but I explained that customer service said I could keep them.

And later I got a text that a shopper was going to start my replacement order.

I sent a text to the shopper, explaining what happened, told her it wasn’t necessary to fill my order.

But guess what Jenn found at her front door?

I’m not going to run out of Diet Pepsi for awhile …


  1. I haven't done crubside or personal delivery. I don't anyone who don't personal delivery in my area, except a package from something like Amazon. I notice quite a few people does crubside pick up. I want to give try.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. I've not used services such as InstaCart , mainly because my husband was brave enough to do shopping during the pandemic's worst parts. He wants to pick out all his groceries, especially produce, meat, fish. If I was alone, no doubt I would have used those services, especially if I had lived on the 2nd floor. There are lots of stories out there - you are in great company. Alana

  3. We've done the shopping thing once. The condo complex is confusing to get around, but our shopper managed to find the place, no problem. Personally, I like to shop, so I will continue to do so. Sorry your delivery got mixed up (but at least you've got stuff for a while now).

  4. I've only had groceries delivered once, last year when there were wild fires and we were advised to stay indoors due to toxic smoke. I do feel it was rude of me to let someone else go out in it to bring me groceries, but I'm older. Besides, the man was thrilled to be so busy! There were a few substitutions I wouldn't have bought in person, but that was my fault for not telling them not to substitute. I can understand not taking food back, they don't know what's happened to it or how long it's been out. I wouldn't want to buy "used" food!

  5. We had groceries delivered for a year. There were both good and bad things about it. Bad was: sometimes, among the bags, there would be a bag of stuff we hadn't ordered (I remember a huge bag of Halloween candy), which they wouldn't take back, and at other times, a very important item had been omitted. Then there was the time we got a cantaloupe (at a sale price, no less!) which was soft and rotten when you but it open. It's good to be picking out our own produce again, because it seemed we were always getting wrinkled peppers, squishy tomatoes, a few bad apples fobbed off on us.


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