Music Monday

 For today's post I will limit myself to a single Christmas song. 

It was a song written right after 9/11, a song that comforted a broken NYC at Christmas, a song that felt like a hug when we really needed one.

Yes, I am talking about Rob Thomas'  "A New York Christmas".

It has become  a staple.  But did you know the royalties from the song go to a charity?  Yes, Rob and his wife Marisol founded Sidewalk Angels, and the proceeds of the song go directly to the charity: 

 Sidewalk Angels Foundation is dedicated to providing critically needed funds and support to over 20 no-kill animal shelters and animal rescues, across the country, that help to fight for the rights and fair treatment of those with no voice.

Rob Thomas made me cry on Friday.  He sang an acoustic version of the song on a radio broadcast...

Every year, my favorite NYC DJ, Scott Shannon, does his final broadcast of the year at Blythesdale Children's Hospital. It's a party for the children and a fundraiser for the hospital.  Shannon always brings celebrities to the party, and Rob Thomas is one of the celebrities who always performs at the event. He sings "NY Christmas" every year.

But this year the event was virtual.  And Thomas' performance of the song was ... different.

It felt like...a hug for a city that really needs one.

I'd love to find a recording of that performance, but the YouTube video from a  few years ago will have to suffice.

So here's Rob Thomas:


  1. How admirable for this artist to give all the proceeds to charity! I think this is the first time for me to hear this song. It's very beautiful! Have a happy and blessed holiday, my friend! {{Hugs}}

  2. Time to crawl out from under my rock. I didn't know this song existed and I was born in, and grew up in, New York City! Gosh - I did try to find the 2020 performance on You Tube, and couldn't. Even tried his Twitter feed. Well, maybe one day. Alana

  3. Such a great and noble song. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  4. *★Merry★* .. •。★Christmas★ 。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˚* _Π_____*。*˚*
    ˚ ˛ •˛•*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛*
    ˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| ˚And a Happy New Year to America, Her Warriors and Their Families at home & abroad and to my family and friends....Continue to pray for those in harm's way....❤️💚❤️💚❤️

  5. That's so nice that the royalties are going to charities!


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