Eisenhower Park redux

 Another walk in the park.  

I love to walk by the man made lake. The lake is the center of the park, surrounded by the Verterans Memorial, the driving range, the amphitheater, the 9/11 memorial and the rose garden.if you walk a loop around the lake you cover about half a mile.  I usually do two laps. 

Usually I see ducks and geese at the lake.  Sometimes I see egrets  and terns and seagulls.  This time I saw a couple of ducks, 

I know that the lake was stocked with fish, but the water is murky so I’ve never seen any … until now.

I usually see a turtle or two sunning themselves, but this time the turtles were out in force.

Ten turtles!

Got a close up of the foursome.

The park is only a short drive from my house. I pass by the park whenever I drive to or from work. Great place for a walk.


  1. That does look like a good place for a walk. I hope the ducks weren't too noisy. (They can quack really loud.)

  2. Looks like the little creature is enjoying the water.

  3. I enjoyed your turtles. We rarely see them in the parks we visit for exercise, for some reason. I also like watching ducks. Again, not as common as the Canada geese. I don't mind the loud quacking.


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