Feline Friday

 So true. You’ll remember the incident with the bee.  That was in my old apartment.

In this house we have recessed lighting in the upstairs bedroom, the room I use for my office.

Shadow was keeping me company while I worked, and I noticed she was spending a lot of time staring up at the lights.  

So of course I looked up to see what had captured her attention.

A cobweb. A thin, gossamer strand, dangling from the lightbulb. Shadow tried to reach it.  She jumped up onto my desk, she climbed onto my chair, she even tried to climb onto the bookcase,

And she was so disappointed when I grabbed the broom …


  1. Oh well. There will be something else soon enough to capture her attention, I'm sure.

  2. Cute comic! However, I think one of my cats stares at nothing to get me to go look at what he's staring at! They ignore cobwebs, too used to them!

  3. It been a while since I knock down cob webs.

  4. The kitties notice everything. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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