The Orlando amusement park accident, another update

 Operator error.

That’s what the report says.

The safety devices didn’t work because they had been manually altered.

The harness that comes over the rider’s head does not physically connect to the seat.  Rather, there are proximity  sensors attached to the seat and the harness.   The ride will not operate unless the sensors are in the proper position.

When the ride is operating properly, the rider pulls the harness over his/her head and shoulders until the harness clicks into place. The sensors engage, and the operator’s board lights up, allowing him to operate the ride.

When the sensors are properly positioned, there is a 3 inch gap between the bottom of the harness and the seat. 

You can see from the photo, the piece between the rider’s legs does not physically touch the overhead harness.  


But on the Orlando ride, someone manually misadjusted the seat sensors on two seats, creating a significantly larger gap.  This was apparently done to accommodate larger riders, riders who exceed the manufacturer’s height and weight limitations. The gap was measured at almost 7 inches, and the engineers say it could grow to as much as 10 inches under force.

So when the unfortunate young man who, though only 14, already exceeded the height and weight limitations, pulled the harness over his head and clicked it into place, there was a gap large enough for him to slip through.  When the seat tilted forward and the ride started to brake, he slipped through the gap and fell to the ground.

[Puts on attorney hat] Insurance company for the ride owner/operator, write the check.  Settle the suit with the parents, this case isn’t going to get any better, and will probably get worse. Don’t count on the manufacturer to share the risk…

Who ever misadjusted the sensors is in a lot of trouble, someone might even face criminal charges.

Amusement park/rider owner, you have a lot of work to do to make the public feel safe in your park. [Takes off attorney hat]

This accident could have been avoided. My heart hurts for the parents and the family.


  1. So tragic. At least now we know what happened. Alana

  2. And you know they'll find some scapegoat. I'm sure the person who is responsible probably didn't get their hands dirty.

    1. Who did the work? Who ordered the work to be fine? I’m sure we will find out.


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