
So Friday's mishap reminded me of another incident in the NYC subway, something that happened back in the 90's.

I rather famously took a fall in the lobby of a hotel while on a  business trip to Philadelphia.  Really killed my right foot and ankle, and wound up in a walking cast for about two weeks.  No crutches or anything to help me walk or balance, just the cast itself, which covered my foot and ankle.

I may have mentioned recently how frustrating it was to wear a cast and not be able to drive.

But I did manage to get on the subway every day and go to work.

So one afternoon I left my office and limped to the subway.  A train pulled in, another woman and I got on.  The train was fairly full, only one seat available in that car, and I got there first.

You could see the frustration on the other woman's face.  She decided to stand directly in front of me, and when I looked down at her feet, I could see that she was wearing stilettos.

Of course she wanted the seat, she must have been dying in those shoes.

And while I was looking at her shoes, I saw her raise one foot...as if she planned to accidentally-on-purpose step on my foot...

She raised that spiky heel...looked down...and saw my cast.

We made eye contact.

She turned beet red, and practically ran to the other end of the car.


  1. She knew exactly what she had in mind, and she knew you knew. She was going to put someone she thought beat her out of that seat for no good reason in their place. Did she learn her lesson? She did turn beet red and go to the other end so I have to hope she was a decent person in great pain, and that this experience did teach her a lesson about kindness. I hope so. We need more kind people. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. If I choose to wear stilettos I would a least have to practice for 30 days to wear them.
    Coffee is on

  3. Yes. I am sure she knew.

    And I can't wear stilettos. But I have daughters who wear high heels all the time.

  4. LOL. You clearly needed the seat more than she did, but she didn't notice until she almost did something awful. I'm glad she ran. Maybe she learned a lesson.


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