NaBloPoMo prompt: Who's your favorite writer, and what work of theirs would you recommend we read first?

I have many favorite authors.  I like classical literature and popular novels.

Today I will talk about Nelson DeMille.

I've read every novel he's ever written under his own name.

My favorite book is By The Rivers of Babylon. 

It's a bit dated, but it's a great book.  I love the whole Biblical link. 

for a new reader, though, I'd start with Plum Island.  

It's the first of the John Corey novels, you get to meet all of the characters that make up John Corey's world.  Back then, Corey had weaknesses that you don't see in the more recent novels.  I love Corey's sarcasm and his distain for fussy bureaucrats.  I love the mystery, the action sequences, the excitement of the story line.  And I love how DeMille works in real details of Long Island and New York City into John Corey's world.


  1. I agree that Plum Island is a good intro. The first one I was introduced to was when my dad handed me a copy of The Charm School. It is also dated, but a gripping story.

    Today's mail contained the only two of his I hadn't read, The Lion and The Lion's Game. I like John Corey!


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