Music Monday

This week’s theme?  Marie at XmasDolly suggested that we come up with songs about winter, cold weather sports, or snuggling up with friends. It’s just around the corner folks!

I’m not particularly fond of winter, so …


But I think we can manage a few happier songs …



  1. You and I have a couple in common, but that's okay..

  2. There are some greats here, happy or sad have a good week 💜💜💜

  3. Love these although I couldn't play the 2nd song since I'm in Canada. I have to see that film with that "Baby, it's cold outside" song. Love Betty Garrett and Red Skelton. She always played a gal wanting a man. Ricardo is so food in this...who knew he would be Mr. Roarke.

  4. I love the three vintage picks at the end! It's never too soon to pull out these fun, secular Christmas tunes. :) Thanks for joining the party, my dear. Have a boogietastic week! xo

  5. Very nice playlist, Songbirdie and what a happy song that Boat Song. We're swinging out here girl😺😺We also want to Thank You for your Birthday Wishes for Granny and Angel Binky💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to you and the kitties too🐾😽💞

  6. Although we chose some of the same songs, you made my day with The Boxer and Button Up Your Overcoat. I had to sing along to The Boxer! But as much as I enjoyed the oldies, I also enjoyed Jimmy Buffet. Just the thing to cheer up a dreary, rainy turning to snow in the near future type of day.


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