Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. Is Halloween a big deal in your neighborhood? Was it something you celebrated as a child? With your own children? Do you like candy corn? 

I love this holiday! I remember buying a pumpkin to decorate and  trick or treating in my neighborhood, but Halloween wasn't as big a deal then as it is now.  My kids really got into the holiday.  And right now I have a whole jar of candy corn in my kitchen.

2. Are you a scaredy cat? About what? 

I like amusement parks, and I like rides, but some of the bigger roller coasters scare me...I won't ride anything with huge drops.

3. Last time you were somewhere that should have been busy but felt like a 'ghost town'? 

We went out to dinner in NYC on a Saturday night.  We were in the Theater District.  We were seated right away.  Pre-pandemic we would have had at least a 20 minute wait for a table.

4. Do you like chili and if so how do you like it? Beans or no beans? Meat or no meat? Beef or chicken? Spice or no spice? Favorite toppings? 

Beef chili with beans over rice and topped with cheese.

5. Would you describe yourself as a night owl? What time of night qualifies? What are you doing while everyone else is asleep? Do you then 'sleep in'? Define 'sleeping in'. 

I'm not a night owl.  I usually go to bed fairly early, right after the 11:00 news. I might sleep in on a weekend, usually to about 9 AM.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am answering these questions on Tuesday. We are in the middle of a nor'easter.  The rain is beating against my window.  I am so happy to be in my cozy little apartment.


  1. I enjoyed your answers and I love your sugar skulls on the tray in the picture!

  2. 9 AM is not sleeping in. Noon is sleeping in ;)

  3. Love a good nor'easter but hopefully you'll come through without losing your power or sustaining any damage.

  4. I can't do roller coasters either. Haha...for me staying up til 11 is late. Hope you fared the storm. We had one on Sunday here in Washington


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