Wordless Wednesday

This bracelet is older than my kids. I have always loved fantasy....




  1. Beautiful. I love fantasy too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. Robin,

    It's funny you should mention this being older than your kids. I was cleaning out my underwear drawer of all things yesterday when I came across a pair that I've had more than 33 years. Can you believe that? They are a bit thin and I can still wear them. I was going to throw them out but decided not yet. Yeah, that's the pack rat in me. I probably won't wear them again because of how old they are and yet I can't bring myself to toss them. *roll eyes* I really need help!

  3. Great bracelet. (I try not to think of all the things that are older than the kiddos in the classes I cover. Down that path lies madness.)

    1. Yep. My younger daughter is 29 … wasn’t I just 29?

  4. Really nice. Thanks for bringing us along on the trip

  5. I won't mention the various clothes I still own that are as old as, or older than, my 30-ish year old son....I love that bracelet. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. I think it strange going to Dr and I'm older than some of doctor now.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I understand. Drew’s cardiologist is the son of someone he used to hang out with…


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