Music Monday -- love songs

I begin this month as honorary conductor.  The topic I have chosen for today:

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we will have love songs.   Songs about falling in love, songs about being in love, songs about missing the one you love, even songs about losing love.

I selected just a few songs about looking for, and finding, love.

This first one brings me back to college, and to a guy who was a huge fan of Queen.

This next song...well, when Drew and I got married in 1987, our videographer used this song as background music for a photo collage.  I've had the pleasure of hearing The Turtles/Flo & Eddy perform it live many times.

Davy Jones was my first celebrity crush, so I had to include one of his songs.

Barry Manilow?  I am a fanilow.

And I love this song by Jay Black.

Bonus hit:  My wedding song.


  1. Somebody to Love is one of our faves and The Turtles and Monkees track is great too :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  2. All great selections, and songs I enjoy. I suspect Evergreen is going to be my earworm of the day, but that is OK. Thank you for hosting again, Songbird! Alana

  3. Robin,
    It's great having you on board another round as honorary co-hostess, my dear. Your mewsic selection is fabulous. I, especially love 'Happy Together' and 'Daydream Believer'. Excellent set of love songs to carry me through the day. Have a boogietastic week, darlin'!

  4. All your choices are great. I love Queen. Thanks for hosting. Have a great day!

  5. Great songs and sorry that I got my dates on themes crossed.

  6. I've decided that anyone who says they don't like Barry Manilow is either lying or crazy. His songs mught be sappy, but he means them. Great choices!

  7. Greatttttttttttttttttt I am now humming Somebody to Love. LOL

  8. Great selections! I love Queen, The Monkees, and The Turtles, but the rest were new to me. Thanks for the introduction!


  9. Hello, songbird! Those are some great choices! I'm a bit late to the party. I've been under the weather and didn't finish my post on Monday. Adam Lambert is doing well with Queen, but it's not the same without Freddie. I saw The Monkees live back in the 1980's. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  10. OMC we love all of them, Songbird. Daydream believer was Granny's first foreign single and Queen is the absolute topper always, as we're a big fan all those years. Loved to hear So happy together again, but we didn't know Could it be magic was of Barry Manilow, we always thought it was of Donna Summer. Thank you for the mewsic, You're definitely the star😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞

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