Music Monday -- the bangles

Did you watch the Oscars last night?  Did you hear what Lin Manuel Miranda said about the importance of music, about the symbiotic relationship between music and movies? How important music is to movies?

I most definitely agree.

Anyhow,  it’s  a "your choice" week.

I'm choosing the music of  Bangles.

Let's start with "Manic Monday".  It hit the top 40 in 1986; this would be playing on Z-100 while I was getting dressed for work.

If you look at my wedding video, you can tell I got married in 1987.  How?  Everyone was walking "like an Egyptian".

The band slowed things down for this love song.

And then there was the Simon & Garfunkel cover:

They broke up at their peak, in 1989, but have since gotten back together.  Maybe they'll tour?


  1. Robin,

    No, I didn't watch The Oscars. I haven't in years. The Bangles had some excellent tunes! Eternal Flame really hits a sweet spot in my heart because that's the way I feel about DH. Thanks for sharing the dance floor and being this month's honorary co-hostess, my dear. You rock! ;)

    1. I love Eternal Flame, but I think Manic Monday is my favorite

  2. I haven't watched the Oscars in years either. When I was on vacation a couple of years ago, I saw a documentary on the Bangles on some cable channel we don't get here at home - I think we saw documentaries on the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Carlos Santana on that channel, too. Anyway, Eternal Flame was new to me. I did enjoy their music "back when". Alana

  3. Eternal Flame is one of my favorites. I have it on several play lists. Great band!

  4. Thanks, now I am walking like an Egyptian, LOLOL. I haven't watched the Oscars in years and won't. smiles

  5. Love the Bangles. Love their music. Thanks for sharing these songs.

  6. Replies
    1. I didn’t know most of the movies that were nominated, but there were some interesting moments

  7. I've never felt that the Oscars were worth the time to watch.

    I think I knew most of thse. All are good songs. Good playlist!

  8. Oh, yes, Granny remembered the Egypsian walk...MOL...and Eternal flame was definitely her favourite of the Bangles. We haven't seen the Oscars, songbird, but we always see a compilation on the news. 😸Pawkisses for a Happy Monday🐾😽💞

  9. OH MY GOSH, thE Bangles are one of the Bands that are up to date, but yet feels more like a younger era. The Bangles they're just a really fun group aren't they? I think so. Thanks so much for sharing these with us. Have a great day!

  10. I really liked this band... I've heard all their songs except for this last one here & I kinda like that tune too. It's.... holy cow it's a remake of another song. hahaha Cool. So I do know all of them. Walk like an egyptian video is too funny! Have a great day!

  11. Music can make a movie!

    Mum says she really liked The Bangles back in the day :)


  12. Hello Robin! Love The Bangles. I didn't see but a few minutes of the Oscars. Thanks for the 'musical ride" back to the 80's, when I was a teen. Wait, I forgot to get my young body- too late :D. I didn't know that Eternal Flame was a Simon and Garfunkel song, too. You can't go wrong with music from either group.


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