and the rain rain rain rain came down down down

We had really scary thunderstorms yesterday -- sky black as night, howling winds, torrential rain, thunder, lightning.  I was happy to be home when the storm hit, happy that I didn't have to travel in that mess...

I felt so bad for Drew, though.  He was sitting in his  living room during the storm.  The lights blinked off and on, and then there must have been a power surge, because the surge protector in the den started to spark.  He unplugged it before there was any real damage, but the room got very smoky.  He was lucky he was home when it happened!

The rain was supposed to end overnight....but this morning I left for work in the middle of a downpour.  Driving to the train station was not fun.

But when I got there, at least I got to try out my new umbrella.

Yes, I bought one of those new "reversible" umbrellas.    And yes, so far it seems to be a lot more wind-resistant and resilient than a traditional umbrella.

The parking lot was starting to flood.  At one point the water actually came up  over the top of my shoes. The shoes were completely drenched, inside and out.

My pants got wet, too, from ankle to knee. As did the right side and sleeve of my sweatshirt.

And train service!

"A passenger in need of medical assistance"  meant a 30 minute delay for all trains on my line ...

And no place to get out of the rain.

When a train finally showed up, it was packed like a sardine can.  No empty seats.

And jut as we were getting onto the train, a young woman dropped her phone into the gap between the train and the platform.  I doubt she was able to get it back in one piece.

Needless to say it was a miserable ride to work.

It had stopped raining when I got off the subway, but I was still soaking wet....and there was a good, stiff breeze coming off the river....

First thing I did when I got to the office?  I took off those wet, wet shoes. I couldn't wait to change into the ballet flats I keep in the back of my file draw.

I suspect I'll be wearing the ballet flats when I go home tonight...


  1. What a miserable last 24 hours for people in various metro areas. I don't miss the urban life at all, and somehow, that kind of stuff never seemed to happen then like it does now. Any kind of heavy rain freaks me out a bit now. I'm glad Drew was home, too. That a surge protector would spark like that sounds like a company who should have designed something just a little better. Not that I am an expert on those kinds of products. Alana

  2. Yikes. Those reverse umbrellas are great, though. I got one this year, and I love it.


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