another this and that

Just got off the phone with Drew.  He is doing well physically, healing from the surgery. Emotionally ... he is not happy, he wants things to go back to normal.  He's got a follow up appointment with the surgeon tomorrow, and he's hoping the surgeon will tell him he's allowed to drive.  I understand his frustration.

He's got a new housemate.  Divorced man, the ex wife and their 10 year old daughter live about three blocks away.  So the daughter will be visiting frequently.

I told the young lady that Duchess is a friendly cat but that she  does not like to be picked up.   Duchess is many things, but "cuddly lap cat" is not one of them.  Seriously, that cat will scratch if she's picked up.

The weather has been...summery.  Very hot, humid, sticky days, but sometimes we get thunderstorms in the late afternoon.

The sneakers that got drenched last week during my morning commute  are now in a plastic bag with a whole bunch of dryer sheets.  I hope this works.

Dragging myself to work on the Long Island Railroad has not been fun lately. I had to change which station I use ... the station I was using until now is undergoing major renovations, and track work, and it's hard to park. The new station is much more convenient, but I have to pay to use the parking garage.  It's not a lot of money, but it's an expense I wasn't anticipating.

But the railroad's newest "courtesy matters" campaign has been amusing.  Did you know keeping your feet on the floor and off the seats was a superpower?  I love these posters:






  1. Now you are a hero by showing common courtesy. I can think of a few more, thinking back on my days of NYC mass transit, including "use deodorant" and "If you are young and physically able, it would be nice if you were sitting in the front and moved your backpack off the seat next to you and maybe even gave up the seat you were using if a parent with a couple of young children boards". Sigh.

  2. If only I could convince kiddos that it's polite to text, not call people, in the middle of class...

    Glad to hear Drew is doing better. Sending cooling thoughts your way.


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