Wednesday HodgePodge

As always, Joyce poses interesting questions.

1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Is there a flower you associate with a particular memory? Explain.

My father loved having a yard full of flowers and flowering shrubs.  He was a city kid, without a knack for gardening, but the azaleas and rhododendrons that decorate our front yard were his doing.

 2. Last time you helped someone? Tell us how.

Coworkers always come to me with questions.  Most recently I answered a question that saved a coworker an hour or two of unnecessary work.

 3. It's National Salsa Month (the food, not the dance) so tell us, do you like salsa? Hot, medium, or mild? Homemade, store bought, or from your favorite restaurant only?

I like salsa, mild to medium.  I've never made salsa.  I buy it in the supermarket and enjoy it at restaurants.

 4. When I was twelve years old...

I wanted to be an actress or a singer or a writer, someone famous.

 5. It's the first of May so let's run with it-first things first, don't know the first thing about it, first dibs on something, first impression, first rate, first cousin, first string, first come first served, at first light-which phrase can best be applied to something in your life currently or even recently?
Hmmm...none of those phrases are inspiring today...but it's baseball season, and "who's on first?" comes to mind.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Last fall, we never had autumn weather.  Summer lingered through the end of October, and then in November it became witner.  Similarly, we never really had spring weather.  winter lingered through the end of April, and now it feels like summer.  I hope it's not a trend.


  1. Agreed. If we're going to miss a season, why not winter? Or summer? Why spring?

  2. I just said the same thing to my husband. We went from Winter to Summer with no Spring in between! Hope you have a wonderful week.


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