Deadpool 2

Of course you knew we would see it.

If you liked the first Deadpool you’ll like this one as well.  Very funny movie, full of pop culture references, inside jokes, celebrity cameos...the language can be crude at times, but the violence tends to be comic book.  Our “hero” frequently breaks down the fourth wall and talks directly to the audience.

A superhero mivie that makes fun of superhero movies.

And, as always, don’t leave until the house lights come up.


  1. And if you thought the first one was meh? Should I skip this?

    Glad you liked it. I know it's very popular.

  2. One of the person I take care of is a big marvel fan.
    Coffee is on

  3. Liz, if you didn’t like the first one, yes, skip the sequel. It’s just more of the same.


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