HodgePodge Wednesday

From this Side of the Pond

Today's questions from Joyce.

1. What are your ingredients for a perfect Saturday?

An afternoon at the pool, and then maybe a picnic at the beach in the evening, followed by  walk on the boardwalk.

2. What skill do you wish more people took the time to learn?

Logic.  The chaotic thinking I see sometimes...

3. What's something you ate as a child you can't stand now as an adult?

My tastes got broader as I matured. I can't think of anything I used to like that I dislike now. 

4. Something parenting has taught you? If you're not a parent tell us one important lesson you learned from your own parents.

Patience and letting go.  I have two adult daughters, I have to let them do their own thing.

5. Share a favorite quote or saying about mothers or motherhood.

Children are a great comfort in your old age – and they help you reach it faster, too     

6. Insert your own random thought here

Loved Avengers: Infinity War, and can't wait to see Deadpool 2.


  1. LOL, #5.

    I guess I'm the only one who didn't *get* Deadpool. I hope you enjoy the sequel.

  2. Thanks, I’m looking forward to seeing it


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