Wednesday Hodgepodge

This week's questions from Joyce.

1. What pets did you have while growing up? Tell us a little something about them.

We had a dog, a poodle named Pepi.  He was a miniature poodle, just a bit bigger than a toy.  whenever he visited the groomer for a haircut, he'd come back with ribbons in his hair and smelling of perfume, and he'd be so prissy, in a "look at me" kind of way.

 2. What is one thing you absolutely must accomplish today?

Want to see the list?  It's kind of long.

 3. Where were you ten years ago? What were you doing there?

September 27, 2007 was a Thursday.  I was working in an office in Jersey City, NJ back then.  If 9/27/07 was a typical day, I would have been at my desk most of the day, maybe a meeting with other members of my department, and if the weather was nice, probably ate my lunch outside, on the pier -- great view of lower Manhaatan from that location.

 4. September 26th is National Dumpling Day. Did you celebrate? Apple dumpling, xiao long bao (steamed Chinese dumpling), chicken and dumplings, pirogi, matzoh balls, or gnocchi...which dumpling on this list would be your dumpling of choice? Have you ever made homemade dumplings of any kind?

I grew up eating home made matzo balls and kreplach (sort of like a wonton or a pierogi, usually filled with beef, that is  served in chicken soup), recipes my grandmother learned growing up in what is now part of Poland.  I don't know how to make either of those.  My sister is the one who makes the matzo balls now.

 5. 'There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find an adventure and those who go secretly hoping they don't.' William Trogdon

So which kind are you?
I'm looking for a little adventure.  Nothing too dramatic, but definitely something out of the ordinary.

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

If anyone wants to buy me a present, the fitbit Ionic seems about right ....


  1. Did you have to look up what day of the week it was 10 years ago? I should check my blog. I bet I wrote something for that day.

  2. I do, in fact, have a post for September 27, 2007. (My blog posts are much more interesting now ;)


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