Wednesday HodgePodge

This week's questions from Joyce

1. When you think about your future what do you fear most? Hope for the most?

I'm hoping to be a grandmother.  I'm fearful of getting ill and losing my independence.

2. September is National Chicken Month. How often is chicken on the menu at your house? What's a favorite dish made with chicken? What's something you're a 'chicken' about doing or trying?

I eat chicken frequently.  Grilled chicken goes in a salad.  Chicken soup is a staple.  Rotisserie chicken from the supermarket makes a quick meal.

My boyfriend wants to go skydiving.  He can do it by himself, I'm too chicken to go with him, and he knows it.

3. What are three things you don't own but wish you did?

Oh, I don't know...if money were no object ....I love my Prius C, but if I had the money, I"d probably get an expensive sports car.  I'd trade in my Fitbit tracker for an Apple Watch,  Maybe some other gadgets.

When I was younger I wanted a horse of my own.  But I haven't even ridden one in years.

4. Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one? Elaborate.  If you answered one, which one?

Interesting question.  I knew what career I wanted when I was in high school, started preparing for it before I started college.  Never gave much thought to trying anything else.  Now I see my daughters (both in their 20's) questioning, reevaluating, examining their options, and I wonder how my life might have been different.

5. Ketchup or mustard? On what?

Ketchup on a burger or fries,  mustard on a hot dog. pastrami or a knish

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

It's already starting to feel like autumn.  Yesterday after work I took a walk at the beach.  The place wasn't deserted, but it felt empty in comparison to the last time I'd been there, before Labor Day.  And some of the foliage, so lush and green last week, is starting to show its fall colors.  the summer went by so quickly!


  1. It's nice to know what you want to do "when you grow up". I think some people just know while others need to find their way.

  2. Gee would it be wonderful if all of front and hind sight were 20/20. But on the hand it could be quite stagnate.
    Coffee is on

  3. No skydiving here either, but I say that's sensible and not chicken : )


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