another this and that

I'm still upset about "unfriending" Drew's buddy.  I'm not upset that I deleted him from my Facebook, I'm upset that I discovered he's a nasty piece of work and that I don't feel comfortable with him anymore.  The guy had the nerve to tell me that I take Facebook far too seriously, that I shouldn't be upset by what's said to me on Facebook, and that I need to grow a thicker skin.  I told him that insulting me on line is the same as insulting me to my face, that  he allowed his Facebook conduct to ruin a friendship, that what is said on Facebook has real life consequences, and that one of the real life consequences he's about to experience is that I won't socialize with him and his wife anymore.  I'm upset that I had to "unfriend" his wife, she's a nice person, but I just didn't feel comfortable...

We're going to visit Marvin today, to make sure he's being properly looked after at the nursing home, and talk about long-term placement for him.  There's now talk of Marvin going back to Shelley's house, but with a home health care aide  to look after his needs.  I still think he'd be better off in a nursing facility, but having an aide come to Shelley's house is a lot better than what Shelley was able to provide before.  It's not my decision, of course, and I won't offer up an opinion unless asked.

Everything is status quo with my parents.  They're both doing as well as can be expected.  My sisters are taking excellent care of them. 

Jen has been short tempered lately, yelling at everyone.  I've had to say something to her about the way she speaks to me, and the other night Felice had to say something to her as well.  I'm wondering what's going on with her.

So proud of Becca!  She participated in the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge earlier this week.  That's a race done in Central Park, to raise money for the Central Park Conservancy.  She ran a 5K in 29 minutes.  You won't find her name on the event  website; one of her coworkers dropped out and Becca took the other woman's spot.  But if you look on her Instagram feed, you'll see her with her official "finishers" t-shirt and a huge smile on her face!

I'm "in training" for a 5K, too, but of a different sort.  You may remember that I've been a participant in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk at Jones Beach for a number of years.  Last year I wasn't really up for the walk, and instead I volunteered my time in the registration tent, with a group of my friends.   You do what you can to support a cause, right? But considering that I'm now a slave to my Fitbit, and that I've been down to Jones Beach several times to walk the boardwalk, I know I'll be able to do the walk in October.  But I might not have the time to walk if I'm in the registration tent with the gang.   The real question is how much time am I willing to give to the cause this year?  There are two Long Island events -- Jones Beach is October 18 and Dowling College is October 4.  Maybe I'll walk at Dowling and do the tent at Jones Beach.

So about that Fitbit...I've been walking several times a week.  I've lost almost 20 pounds since the beginning of March.  Feeling good!!!  Think I can lose another 15 pounds by October?  The Dowling walk is 17 weeks away...

If you want to read about my previous "Making Stride" walks, here are the links:
