Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. Tell us about one small blessing you have counted in the past week? 

The excitement I saw in my daughter's eyes when she talked about upcoming plans. 

2. Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th...have you ever been to France? Any desire to visit there, and if so what would site or city would you most want to see? (pretend for a minute international travel isn't an issue)

I would love to visit France.  I'd love to see Paris.  The Louvre, Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe... 

3. A food associated with France that you love? 

Crepes.  Croissant.  Macaron.  Champagne. 

4. Something you recently purchased where a coupon was involved? Do you regularly shop with coupons? 

We had a coupon for a free appetizer at a favorite restaurant. 

5. You have to give something away this week...what will it be? 

I have a crate full of books that I no longer read, I  am going to give them books to a literacy program. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The summer has been s wet and rainy so far, and I am not happy....


  1. The sun is shining here today after several days of rain and it is glorious to see blue sky and sunshine. I don't do well when we have consecutive days of rain.

  2. I forgot it was Bastille Day. Admittedly, I am busy with other things... I do love a good coupon.

  3. Hope your weather cheers up. It's been so hot and humid in North Carolina, that we tend to stay indoors in the AC.

  4. It would be good to have your rain come to our wildfire area! We should go through some of our books so we don't have to add more bookshelves. We are book lovers. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

  5. Yeah for real: the rain in North Florida has been crazy. Thankful that we've had 3 days in a row without a storm!


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