Music Monday

Another free choice week.

My choice this week is BROADWAY.

but I am not going to bore you with songs you many not have heard before.

In the 1940's and 1950's, Broadway show tunes routinely hit the pop charts. Starting in the 1960's, however, the two worlds grew apart.  yet sometimes a Broadway show tune made it to the top of the pop charts.

let's start with one from The Music Man.

Let's move on to  A Little Night Music.

Promises, Promises gave us this tune.

From Jesus Christ Superstar:

You simply must include Chess.  Bad show, great song.

Of course I need to mention Cats.

 And Hair.

You cannot forget Hello, Dolly!

And we will close it out with Barbra Streisand's signature song, from Funny Girl, here is "People":


  1. Great tunes.I went with tunes from 1971 the year I graduated High School and Enlisted in the U.S.Air Force! 🙂🙂🙂

  2. All I can say here is you've got some greats here for sure! Did you know that Barbara Streisand use to get massive migraines when she sang? What a set of pipes, huh. Well, I saw your name at Michelle's blog and came by way of the back door.. hehehehe! Did you sign our list cuz I do want everyone to come over and listen to these cool tunes I mean hells bells girl you even got my song up here HELLO DOLLY THIS IS LOUIS DOLLY.... hahahaha LOVE IT! YOU REALLY HAVE THE GREATS! Thanks so much for playin along with us. hugs...

  3. Broadway tunes are such a fertile ground to explore. I didn't even know a couple of these (like Send in the Clowns) were Broadway songs! One of my cousins is huge into Broadway. I'm less so, have only seen two Broadway plays on Broadway and a couple of more in local productions yet these songs never cease to amaze with the quality of their lyrics. In summer camp, I was in the chorus for both (dating myself) Bye Bye Birdie and South Pacific. We also did a (non-Broadway) composition from the 1940s called Manhattan Tower. I should do a Broadway post one day. Thanks for the inspiration! Alana

  4. Robin,

    'Send In The Clowns' always makes me feel sooo sad. 'I'll Never Fall In Love Again' is a good pick-me-up tune. I remember this song quite well from eons ago and how nice to see Glen Campbell singing with Dion. I hadn't realized until now that Reddy's song 'I Don't Know How to Love Him' is from the Jesus Christ Superstar. The rest of your playset is equally enthralling and I loved listening to all of your featured selections on the dance floor this morning, my friend. Thanks for boogieing with the 4M crew this week. Have a songsational week!

  5. Excellent vintage tunes for sure! Thanks so much for the dance - hope you're having a fabulous weekend! :)

  6. Lot o' goodies here! George Harrison proved with that solo just what a fantastic player he was.


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