Music Monday

Today's theme:   In honor of Labor Day, build a playlist to spell ‘LABOR DAY’

I suppose I'm up to the challenge.

Let's get the party started with some Paul McCartney.

Next up, the Beatles

A little Crosby Stills and Nash

Next up, Julie Berthelsen

And Imagine Dragons

From the TV show PanAm ....

From Ringo Starr

And finally ....

From Himesh Patel, and a movie that wonders what would we do if the Beatles had never come along.


  1. Did it all with Beatles songs... I like it!

  2. That is so cool. You did it perfect. Very nice.

  3. Well done! All Beatles tunes. Love it! Have a great week!

  4. A GREAT list rockin' here. Love the Beatles and woo hoo Crosby, Stills & Nash WOW and love that song Ob-La-Di, Ob La Da I'll be singing that bugger all day! hahaha Well, gotta go cook some more! Come on over for our cookout all is welcome. Woo Hoo! HAPPY LABOR DAY & I hope you're as happy as I am. HUGS!

  5. I recall Buck Owens also sang Act Naturally
    Coffee is on

  6. Very nice set of Beatles and Beatles covers. I really enjoyed Julie Berthelsen and the last one sung by Himesh Patel - I've wanted to see that movie (the movie where the Beatles never existed) - I've heard so many good reviews of that movie. Have a great week. Alana

  7. Robin,

    Whoo-hoo, I love how you used the Beatles and cover artists doin' their songs to spell LABOR DAY for this week's theme. I wonder where we'd be without such classics the iconic British rock sensation introduced to a rebelling generation that passed from one generation to the next and the next and for many more to come? Great job! BTW, I really enjoyed the cover of 'Do You Want To Know A Secret'. I'm going to see if the artist has more songs on YT. Thanks for boogieing with the 4M crew on the dance floor, my friend. You knocked this one out of the park! 😘


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